Bringing Study Technology and Disaster Relief Across India

Providing high-quality education to the nation of India is urgent. A third of the 1.2 billion population lives below the poverty line and 25% cannot read. Only 15% of Indian students reach high school and just 7% graduate. Add to this the several thousand ethnic groups, castes and tribes, 211 distinct languages and more than 1,600 dialects, and the educational challenge is daunting.
Since 2005, the India Volunteer Minister Goodwill Tour has brought Study Technology to schools and universities in India, signaling a brighter future for education in this land.
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Global Movement Extends Help to Millions Anytime and Anywhere There is a Need
Whether serving in their own communities or on the other side of the world, Scientology Volunteer Ministers extend unconditional help in service of the motto, “Something can be done about it.” The program was initiated in the mid-1970s by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard after observing that crime and violence in society were rising in proportion to the decline of religious influence. Describing the Volunteer Minister as “a person who helps his fellow man on a volunteer basis by restoring purpose, truth and spiritual values to the lives of others,” Mr. Hubbard provided tools and practical solutions for assisting others that are available for use by Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike.
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Volunteer Ministers
The Volunteer Minister story since 9/11 is told in many ways: in the words of those helped in their time of greatest need; by rescue workers seeking help to carry on; by media reporting on natural and man-made disasters; and by Volunteer Ministers themselves. Here is a sampling of those words:
The New York Times, 2001: “Though many religious organizations are supplying assistance for the disaster, few are as well-organized as the Scientologists, or as evident at the scene. When many volunteers were asked to clear out over the weekend, the Scientologists were allowed to stay, working alongside groups like the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.”
National Geographic, 2006: “When the world forgets, who comes to help? The Church of Scientology flew in dozens of volunteers. Wearing bright yellow T-shirts, they hoisted colorful banners and tents smack in the middle of Banda Aceh.”
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To assist and empower others in disaster situations and in everyday life, Scientology Volunteer Ministers have served around the world.

to the Extremes
Volunteer Minister Goodwill Tours reach remote areas of the world, including the Australian Outback, the Amazon Basin and far-flung African villages.

Contact a Volunteer Minister for one-on-one assistance, schedule an onsite seminar, view chapters of the Tools for Life film or sign up for an online course. In addition to online and onsite training, anyone no matter their creed or faith, with a desire to help others, may enroll at any Church of Scientology for training as a Volunteer Minister.
Free Online Courses
Helping in Times of Need
The Scientology Volunteer Ministers have helped in times of disaster at over 260 major disaster sites. Donate to the Disaster Response Fund to help us continue saving lives.